Sunday 26 January 2014


You want to work out - you want a tough workout - you don't have much time and above all you want results 

Well then Guys call US  - because we have the system that will not only rock your boat but will rock your world and change your body all in 20 seconds ( well just a little bit longer !) 

Tabata, a high intensity, short duration effective exercise system

Tabata – What is it?
Tabata (developed by it’s name sake Japanese Professor Izumi Tabata) is a high intensity interval training system (HIIT) that since its inception has provided remarkable results  - he originally developed this system for the Japanese speed skating team in 1996

Tabata – How does it work?
The system is short explosive bursts - you work flat out over a 20 second round – complete 8 rounds – in each round you have a  10 second rest period – this gives us a total 4 minute session

Tabata  - boosts the metabolism
Research by exercise physiologist Dr. Michele Olson has shown that you can burn a ‘whopping 13.5 calories per minute and can double the metabolic rate for a least 30 minutes (calorie after burn)  after an all out bout of Tabata  training’ – (research report presented to the 60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports medicine (ACSM)
Olson, who measured study participants' calorie burn before, during, and 30 minutes after a Tabata bout, found the routine to be an extremely effective way to boost metabolism fast. "It would take five times the amount of typical cardio exercise, like a 20-minute brisk walk, to shed the same number of calories that result from a 4-minute Tabata," she says.

Professor Tabata’s subjects pedalled on exercise bikes and Dr Olson’s  group did body weight jump squats – but Tabata as a style of training lends its self to all manner of cardio work, body weight training even explosive movements.

But remember Tabata is an  all out 100% effort system – 4 minutes of high intensity, balls to the walls activity, preceded by a 10 min warm up and  cool down.  Compound movements are relatively simple and allow for an easy transition between movements.

Tabata works – the science is behind it

Call us  CORE TRAINING SOLUTIONS today we are here to coach you to being the best you can be – Tabata is just one of the tools we can use to help you achieve that lean, fit, responsive, flexible body you have always wanted.

BODYFIRM Studios 01 868 4600 –

More about Professor Tabata click here
More about Dr Michele Olson  click here